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Evernight "The Reign of Darkness" is a strategy game that pits you against other players in a quest to conquer the world of Midia. This world is filled with a vast number of conquerable regions.
Each new player begins with only a single region, however, by deploying your forces and launching calculated attacks into the surrounding regions and player's kingdoms… the player's borders rapidly expand.
There are 6 forms you can call upon within Evernight, each tied to a specific religion and conjured from a temple dedicated to that religion.
From the craggy peaks of Midia I brought the stony powers of the ground forth in the form of the Colossa. The creature stands as tall as a fortress, and its granite skin is near impervious. Wherever this titan walks death will follow, and even the bottoms of the frozen seas will not be safe.
The noblest of the Forms, this golden beast soars higher than even the mightiest sorceror… It was this supernatural creature who stood at my side when the Demons turned, and it was Amber wings that carried the lightning cry of K'Ar Tüf to the battlefield.
As I had created the Amber from all things pure, so the Black Dragon was summoned from all things evil. Its chaotic appetite for death defied even my most delirious fears… and when its form rose from the twisting portal of MindBender, nothing was safe from its poisonous fire.
The ageless Incinerak sent the Magma Demon in my hour of vengenace not as servants, but treacherous deceivers. Their dry-witted cruelty and slavering thirst for blood have earned them a fearsome reputation and an intolerable attitude.
The strangest of the Forms must be the wide-minded Woodens. This all-seeing entity penetrates the mortal mind with the madness of Bork, and its ancient, splintered fingers crush legions in their grasp. Never before had I laid eyes on a thing so sublime… so illusory.
For centuries the machines of the Golden Age, the mighty Iron Hulks, lie dead and cold beneath the stony ground. But destiny will open the eyes of the mechanical God, and his legions will rise from their earthy tombs to devour the air and the land. Mortals will be ground under their heartless metallic tread...and the choked, smoggish age of machines will again be upon the surface of Midia.
Evernight features a range of 36 different spells that can be used to strengthen your forces, weaken your enemies, and do various other sneaky things.
Spells are divided into 6 categories of 6 spells each.
Spells from the Church of the Transcendent Body deal with changing regions into a different region type. There is one spell for each region type.
Min. Cost: 70
Changes Region Type To Dunes
Changes Region Type To Swamp
Changes Region Type To Dead Forest
Changes Region Type To Frozen Sea -- can only be cast on regions you own
Changes Region Type To Mountains -- can only be cast on regions you own
Changes Region Type To Plains
The Druids of Oarne category is comprised of a miscellany of spells.
Min. Cost: 20
Cancels Alliances In Battle - Prevents Region from being Ceded
Nullifies Fury Produced In Battles At Region
No Spells may be Cast on Region While Pulse Probe is in Effect
Converts 90% of Your Lessers at Region Into Fury - Remaining 10% die but no Fury is generated
Destroys A Fortress or Temple
Heals All Forms At Region (you must cast spell on the region where the forms ARE, not where they are going TO)
Generation Technology contains the movement altering spells. These spells don't actually move troops, but rather modify their movement orders to coincide with the effects of the spell. Then, when the movement phase of the tick occurs, the troops move along their new orders.
Min. Cost: 50
Permits Lessers To Cross Mountains or Water - You need to deploy your lessers the same turn that you cast the spell
No Lessers May Leave Region
All Lessers In Adjacent Regions Forced To Move Into Region
No Lessers May Enter Region
All Lessers At Region Randomly Move To Adjacent Regions and Current Region
Averts Border Battles At Region -- Can be cast on the region on either side of the border
Psylicides, which can prove very powerful in the hands of a skilled caster. The Psylicides are structured around misdirection.
Min Cost: 25
Hide Fortress/Temple From Enemy
Hides All Forms At Region From Enemies
Allows You to See Enemy Lessers & Woodens in a Forest Region, and Structures Under Construction in All Region Types
Region is considered to be unowned (for purposes of Production & Deployment) while Slappy Bomb is in effect
Enemies See 3-4 Times The Actual Number Of Lessers At Region
Enemies see 0 lessers at region
The spells within the Ancient Amra category are defensive combat spells.
Min. Cost: 65
All Lessers Do Not Attack For First 5 Rounds Of Battle
Magic Creatures (OF:0,DF:50,AT:0), Numbering 50-100% of Your Forces, Take Damage For You But Do Not Attack
Your Lessers Are Invincible Every Other Round of Battle Starting With The First Round
Each Player In The Battle Gets Assigned A Random Lesser Type For That Battle
Your Lessers' Defense Increased Halfway to 100%
The Jaws of Life
Enemy Lessers Do Not Attack for First 3 Rounds of Battle
The Gonmol Horde category contains the offensive combat spells.
Min. Cost: 40
Your Lessers' Offense Decreased by 10% But They Do Triple Damage To Forms
Your Lessers Get 2 Attacks Every Round in Battle
Your Lessers' Offense Increased Halfway to 100%
Pseudo-Form (OF:100; DF:100; AT:30; SIZE:100) Fights With Your Forces for 5 Rounds
1 In 5 Chance ALL of Your Lessers Will Rock (AT:5; OF & DF halfway to 100%) - Lethal If Unsuccessful
Nullifies Enemy Fortress Bonus
There a two resources in Evernight. Treasure generated from the various terrain types and Fury earned though Battles!
Used to build structures and buy lessers, the main combat force in Evernight. You start the game with 50 Treasure. Each turn, you receive Treasure according to the number and type of regions you control.
Most of the region types have a special property and produce varying amounts of treasure.
There are 6 different region types within Evernight: plains, dunes, swamp, dead forest, mountain, and frozen sea.
Fury is used to cast spells and to summon and fuel forms. You start the game with 35 fury. Each turn, you receive more fury based on how well your lessers performed in battle the previous turn. You gain 1 point of fury for each enemy lesser they killed and 1 point of fury for each point of damage they did to enemy forms. When your forms kill enemy troops, you do not gain fury. Instead, that form gains experience and becomes harder to kill.
Long and deep is the history of Midia. Here you shall find scripts of arcane knowlege and the flora and fauna of this land known as Evernight.